And we’re back! Well at least for the near future we are 😬
A little insight as to why I decide to resurrect #CoolShit:
Our youngest daughter turned 1 in January, and gone are the nights were waking up 2, 3, 4 times a night - it’s finally possible to have a morning routine again!
I REALLY missed reading through the internet every morning.
I REALLY REALLY missed sharing the cool shit I came across with my busy friends.
Many of you hit me up many times letting me know that you missed the email - you guilt tripped me into this 😬
All that being said, I’m going to give this email a 2 week test run. I’ll learn if I want to commit to sending this email and you’ll learn if you missed starting your day off with some daily #CoolShit.
I’m REALLY looking forward to being a part of your day again!
We shall chat again soon!
Now onto the #CoolShit that I saw this morning:
Serena Williams wants more companies to hire mothers, so she joined a startup that's making it happen

Women are super human, trust me, I’ve got to watch my wife CRUSH it in her professional life AND give birth 2 beautiful, adorable, HUMAN F’ING BEINGS. I can help lift heavy things, so I’m contributing too!
Tennis icon Serena Williams is hoping to improve job opportunities for mothers by joining the Mom Project, a platform that connects mothers with viable job opportunities.
Why purpose means nothing if you don’t extend it to the people who run your business

In 2020, purpose is set to take centre stage as brands in a variety of categories look to assert themselves as forces for good. It’s a major shift for many brands that no longer view making money as their sole priority.
Not only is this, arguably, a good thing to do, it also makes business sense. Look at the success of Unilever’s Sustainable Living Brands which grew 69% faster than the rest of the business in 2018.
Why hiring the ‘best’ people produces the least creative results

Ranking people by common criteria produces homogeneity. And when biases creep in, it results in people who look like those making the decisions. That’s not likely to lead to breakthroughs.
The complexity of modern problems often precludes any one person from fully understanding them.
When building a forest, you do not select the best trees as they tend to make similar classifications. You want diversity.
How a fire in Los Angeles could spell doom for vinyl records

A friend, who has a friend that in involved with this company said that this is going to be a BIG deal for the vinyl industry - ouch.
The unassuming beige facility houses Apollo Masters. Owners of a manufacturing plant and a closely held formula for making and mounting a specific mix of lacquer onto aluminum discs, the company supplies a reported 75% of the world’s blank lacquers, the shiny circular plates essential for the production of vinyl records.
“It’s something that everybody in the industry has talked about: ‘What if something happens to Apollo? What if they go under?’”
Lester Young - Mean To Me (1958)
There’s just something different about old videos of jazz musicians - you can feel the talent, passion, and just overwhelming coolness that is in that room.
These alternative coronavirus masks

I can not vouche for the effectiveness of these, but I can verify that people will steer clear of you if you have a pair of undies strapped to your face
Underwear, vegetables and carrier bags could all be used in the fight against coronavirus, suggests designer Max Siedentopf.
How to unblock a stuffy nose:

“Regular exercising can make you more happy than money” ~Science

In a large survey of 1.2 million Americans, researchers from Yale and Oxford universities have shown that people who exercise are markedly happier than people who don’t — even if they have less income.
If you’re friends aren’t tricking you into wearing costumes to black-tie events, they aren’t your friends.