#CoolShit 02.26.20
Apple has all the cash, a dog that fails & succeeds at the same time, and tech making the world a better place.
Happy Wednesday!
I hope that you crush whatever it is you’re working on, or supposed to be working on, and can sustain from distractions - like this email 😬
If you need a laugh, please watch this doggo fail at being a service dog, but succeed at being a good boy.

This solar-powered backpack that provides light to off-grid students
Further proof that tech is making the world a drastically better place.
A former Ivorian computer retailer created a backpack that provides light to help children in remote villages study after dark
This app gamifies learning about nature.

It’s like collecting Pokémon, but with real world nature.
The Seek app provides immediate identification and encourages users to take photos to earn badges and unlock additional features
Designed to encourage the curiosity of children, the app was created with families in mind.
Apple now has $207.06 billion in cash on hand

Unpopular opinion: they deserve this. Apple is head and shoulders the best product & marketing company EVER - fight me!
Apple continues to host one of the largest cash piles of any U.S. company.
Giants of the art world collaborate with prisoners for new exhibition

Treating prisoners like people, I’m for it.
A great exercise in collaboration, the project has seemingly been beneficial for both sides, with Ai Weiwei particularly pleased about the outcome. ““Finally, you reach the point when I would say it is perfect,” he says. “There is so much language in between, it does not show on the work the communication, trust and understanding of the process and joy of making pieces like this. I think the final resulting piece is a beautiful art work.”
This funky & smooth jam
Thundercat once played bass for Suicidal Tendencies now he creates funky ass jams for EVERYONE - Kendrick, Travis Scott, Wiz, Childish Gambino - he’s special.