#CoolShit 03.05.20
Further proof women are superhuman, the sci-fi future of healthcare, and a creepy ass eyeball.
Happy Wednesday!
I wanted to ask a favor of you…
If you ever read anything that you think is cool and should be shared, send it to me!
If you are working on something cool and think I should share it, send it to me!
If ever watch or hear anything cool and think I should share it, send it to me!
I have my sources that I’ve collected & compiled over the years, but there’s not doubt that my coolest resource… is YOU!
That is all, carry on.
For The 1st Time, Architecture's Most Prestigious Prize Is Awarded To 2 Women

Further proof women are superhuman.
"They're phenomenally good architects," she says, calling their style "forthright" and "beefy," drawing on brutalist traditions. Plus, she adds, this year's Pritzker selection reflects the profession's changing realities. "The field of architecture has a lot of women in it right now," Whiting says. "The schools have been 50% women for, oh, 20-25 years."
Speaking of incredible women, here’s Apple’s International Womens Day commercial
What is the future of healthcare:
“To continuously measure the state of your health, the frame of your bathroom door will be a real-time imaging device that scans you every day, compares your measurements to your own personalized baseline, and alerts you via your smart mirror as to any concerns. A smart mirror will also detect any changes in your mood or demeanor, and automatically invoke the appropriate dosage of music therapy when you start your shower.”
This is an excerpt from an interview with JulieYoo, who leads investments in healthcare technology for Andreessen Horowitz, and I’m 100% in on a future that looks like what she’s describing.
This is what it looks like if you turned sexism into a drinking game
Spoiler alert: we’d be drinking a LOT.
P.S. This spot is entirely in Spanish, but you can still understand it.
POP QUIZ: Which animal does this eyeball belong to?

I have NEVER seen this animals eye before, shit if you told me they didn’t have eyes, I’d believed you - this shit creeps me the EF out!
50 Short, Dumb Jokes Kids Love Anyway

These are SO dumb, for example:
49. Why are ghosts such bad liars?
Because you can see right through them.
45. Why didn’t the zombie go to school?
He felt rotten!
43. What kind of shoes do ninjas wear?
11. Why did the clock go to the principal’s office?
For tocking too much.
But if you’re a parent(or auntie, or uncle) like me, It is your RESPONSIBILITY to learn and share dumb-ass jokes that they probably wont laugh at!
Need some Latin/Indie music to start your Wednesday, here ya go:
WARNING: this song is the jam.