#CoolShit 03.09.18
First, don’t worry, I washed my hands THOROUGHLY before sending this email.
Now there is one thing I wanted to share with you before we dive into todays email is…
When I’m writing this email every morning, I’m never thinking of will EVERYONE like this, I’m thinking will YOU like this - yes YOU!
I think, will this article make YOU think about something different? Will this song help YOU concentrate on what your working on or help shake your shit? Will this image make you laugh?
Making sure that YOU enjoy getting this email every day is why I send it to you!
That is all 😬 see you tomorrow!
Not being an asshole will make you more money

So AS SOON as I read this article, I KNEW I was going to share it with you. I would 100% contribute “Not being an asshole” to any success that I’ve had in my professional career.
I shared a bunch of blurbs from the article, but I definitely recommend diving in and reading it for yourself.
All too often in the course of building my business, I bump into the existence of countless assholes. From dealing with aggressive and manipulative salesmen to investors offering term sheets a monkey wouldn't be dumb enough to sign. It frankly sucks. Sucks hard.
Let's make it simple. If you try to make money from someone's detriment, you're only hurting yourself. It's a short term play.
Smart successful people do not want to work with people they cannot trust. It's not worth it. The world's too big. You'll only ever whittle away your reputation until you're surrounded by mirrors of yourself. It's not worth it.
When you form a partnership with someone, you should sincerely believe the other person is benefiting. It should be fair. You both should make money. You should both want to continue the partnership.
Ever wonder why some people raise a $5M seed with an idea scribbled on a napkin? Generally, these people have a reputation for positive returns for all involved.
A Round-up of Advice, Lessons, and Inspiration from Creative Women

Make a bold leap
Embrace mentorship
Make it personal
Value your community
Know when to say no
Set the ground rules
DingTalk, a homework app for Chinese students, was removed from the App Store because the students flooded the App Store with 1-star reviews.
The creativity of motivated kids is unmatched!
Somehow the little brats worked out that if enough users gave the app a one-star review it would get booted off the App Store. Tens of thousands of reviews flooded in, and DingTalk’s rating plummeted overnight from 4.9 to 1.4. The app has had to beg for mercy on social media: ‘I’m only five years old myself, please don’t kill me.’

One of the questions I definitely ask myself before I share anything with you.
Dizzy Gillespie teaching a jazz master class in NYC in 1947

Anything from the Jazz world from the 40’s - 60’s is never not cool.
Caffeine Boosts Problem-Solving Ability but Not Creativity, Study Indicates

While the cognitive benefits of caffeine — increased alertness, improved vigilance, enhanced focus and improved motor performance — are well established, she said, the stimulant’s affect on creativity is less known.
For the study, 80 volunteers were randomly given either a 200mg caffeine pill, equivalent to one strong cup of coffee, or a placebo. They were then tested on standard measures of convergent and divergent thinking, working memory and mood. In addition to the results on creativity, caffeine did not significantly affect working memory, but test subjects who took it did report feeling less sad.