#CoolShit 03.11.20
Before you scroll down, can you do me a favor and click the little heart(right under my name, and next to the date) above for me.
Pretty sure you don’t need an account or anything, just need to click the little heart. Curious to see what happens if everyone “likes” this mornings email ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Carry on..
This Prince demo is 🔥 🔥 🔥
Now I normally wait until the end to share music but… I’ve NEVER heard THIS version of THIS song. The radio version is a pop mega hit that we all know. But to hear Prince jamming out on an acoustic, and hit you with his world-class sexy ass falsetto - PRESS PLAY
Thats it, I’m wearing my ass-less chaps today!
Charles Barkley to sell MVP trophy, Dream Team memorabilia to build affordable housing

What an incredible thing for Charles to do.
"I want to do something really nice for Leeds. And if I could build 10 to 20 affordable houses — I want to do green housing too — (and) if I could sell all that stuff, it would just be a really cool thing for me."
Here’s a crazy stat for you, over Charles 16 year career he earned over $40 million dollars.
Steph Curry will make $40 million THIS SEASON ALONE.
The Infodemic - "We need a vaccine against misinformation,"

The coronavirus outbreak has sparked what the World Health Organization is calling an "infodemic"
WHO is fighting back. In early January, a few weeks after China reported the first cases, the U.N. agency launched a pilot program to make sure the facts about the newly identified virus are communicated to the public
This is the first time I’ve even heard the word “infodemic” and I LOVE it. It so relevant to our new insanely-hyper-connected world.
My prediction is that as we continue to be connected to more and more information, whatever the next “big thing” is will feel bigger and more important than the last “big thing” - when in reality, we just have access to an exponential amount of information today, as we did yesterday.
This EPIC ASS photo of Chinese policeman visiting a remote region to spread Coronavirus awareness.

The top comment on Reddit: “Man 2020 is really coming through with the dystopian imagery”
I mean, look at this shit again - it’s just SO SO GOOD. We got dudes in camo. We got dudes in surgical gear. By the looks of it, it looks like they are CHARGING through the snow. LEGENDARY.
Focus more: This paper sleeve makes your phone less distracting.

Users can download and print two different envelopes – one featuring a dial pad to make and receive calls and the other a simplified camera with no viewfinder, just buttons to capture photos and videos.
This step-by-step guide for making a record-setting paper airplane
Sean Connery, 1964

M F’er just ooozes cool.
This Whiskey Koozie

Since I’m not a beer drinker, I’ve always been the laughing stock of the neighborhood… while we all sit outside and drink whilst watching our kids… I’m constantly being judged by them because my beverage of choice - whiskey - is rarely frigid like their precious Coors in a koozie - NOT ANY MORE BABY!