#CoolShit 04.10.20
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It’s Friday!
Last week’s collection of “things to do this weekend” was well received so, here we go again!
Do something cool this weekend, see you Monday!
👀 Things to watch
4x Academy Award Movie, “Parasite”, is now streaming on Hulu (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
I thought skateboarding was as cool as it was going to get, I was wrong. (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
Kanye West’s high school on PBS’s Antiques Roadshow (#CoolShit 04.06.20)
No matter how you feel about Mr. West, you can’t deny the fella is FULL of talent.
This (now free)Tori Amos concert (#CoolShit 04.07.20)
This site, Qello, has actually released a shit ton of concerts, first watch some of this Tori concert, then go get lost in all the other concerts they have.
👂Things to listen to
What If No One Pays Rent? (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
“In this episode, we follow the chain from a laid-off worker who can no longer afford her rent, to her landlord, and all the way to the multi-trillion-dollar global mortgage market.”
I saw this thread on Reddit and was reminded of how much I like this type of podcast. They’re like a ‘can’t-put-down-book’ but in podcast form. Here’s a couple that I’ve listened to, and some that I want to check out.
You’ll be HOOKED by the end of episode 2
“It's about Josh Powell and the disappearence of his wife Susan Powell. It was so good and they have so much unheard material, like Josh's own audio diary, Susan's letters etc.”
“the most intensely moving podcast I have ever listened to.”
“It's Baltimore, 1999. Hae Min Lee, a popular high-school senior, disappears after school one day. Six weeks later detectives arrest her classmate and ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, for her murder. He says he's innocent - though he can't exactly remember what he was doing on that January afternoon. But someone can. A classmate at Woodlawn High School says she knows where Adnan was. The trouble is, she’s nowhere to be found.”
So I have to warn you, Limetown is fiction BUT, it was SO MUCH FUN to listen to. It’s f’ing creepy.
My favorite part about this true-crime series was, the zombies, yup, just listen.
This 4+ hour mix by Henry Rollins, The Cool Quarantine 001 (#CoolShit 04.08.20)
Henry is one of the most knowledgeable minds in music. This mix is guaranteed to be insightful and super weird, you’ll enjoy it.
This Jazz cover album of one of my favorite(and greatest rap) albums ever (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
Black Thought’s Tiny Desk (Home) Concert
Mr. Thought is arguably, wait for it, the… greatest… rapper… ever. He’s been consistent over the past 20+ years. He’s technically sound. He’s lyrically complex. Fight me.
My collection of “Songs to get you through a pandemic” (#CoolShit 04.08.20)
I’ve been collecting songs for when my optimistic ass isn’t so optimistic. What am I missing?
This Bill Withers(R.I.P.) mix by PLAYJAZZLOUD (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
🧠 Things to read
Something small, every day (#CoolShit 04.07.20)
I REALLY like the sentiment here - do something small & worthwhile TODAY. Don’t worry about next month, next week, or even tomorrow. Reminds me of one of my favorite parables, “How do you eat a whale? One bite at a time.”
This free “small cook book for easy, delicious, cost-conscious recipes for the quarantine”
These templates that help you say “no” in different ways. (#CoolShit 04.08.20)
🖍 Things for your kids
Dyson’s(the vacuum company) created engineering activities for your kids that looks pretty fun.
“Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.”
This series of actors reading children’s books (#CoolShit 04.09.20)
😝 Have some dumb fun
Watch guys discover this “cute ass house” (#CoolShit 04.07.20)
Was hesitant to watch this but… I don’t regret my decision. It’ll make you smile FOR SURE.
This fucking motivational video by David Goggins
Want to see what “fed up” looks & sounds like?
The marathon continues…