#CoolShit 05.14.20
Happy Thursday folks!
Kind of random, but yesterdays email was one of my favorite #CoolShit’s I've ever sent. It just perfectly summarized why I love sharing this email with you. Cool music & art to celebrate Stevie Wonders Bday. David Lynch’s weird weather reporting. Progressive business news. A weird ass body-parts typeface. Shit I even found a Nipsey lyric referencing Stevie wonder to end the email.
It was a good email.
Today on the other hand, it’s a bit… well… you’ll see.
See you tomorrow!
What I listened to this morning:
Nipsey Hussle: A Crenshaw Murder, Community Activism, Rollin ‘60s and Lost Potential (35 minutes)

Get to know Mr. Hussle a bit better.
Nipsey Hussle was more than just one of this generation’s most promising voices in hip hop. He was a social activist, a community leader and aspirational entrepreneur.
How to improve your walking technique

I’m sure you’re going out walking a whole lot more since “the great before,” might as well use these tips to make sure your maximizing your steps.
Walking feels like the most natural thing in the world. It’s just one foot in front of another, right? Well yes, but not quite. In this second article in our series on walking your way to good health (first article here), dynamic movement and mindfulness teacher Tatjana Mesar explains how there is more to walking well than you might guess.
File this under #NotCoolShit

The Hollywood Bowl is synonymous with summers in LA - you will be missed sorely this summer…
Danzig sining Elvis

Mr. Danzig’s creepy vibes feel like a perfect match to these Elvis tracks.
How the news changes the way we think and behave

It turns out that news coverage is far more than a benign source of facts. From our attitudes to immigrants to the content of our dreams, it can sneak into our subconscious and meddle with our lives in surprising ways. It can lead us to miscalculate certain risks, shape our views of foreign countries, and possibly influence the health of entire economies. It can increase our risk of developing post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression.
There’s no doubt that the #1 priority of “the news” today is to entertain, not to inform - fight me.
This creative reminder
It’s helpful to remember that sometimes “the past” wasn’t thousands of years ago. Shit, this fella, who is still alive, his grandma was a slave.
Uncle Snoop listening to Frozen

Uhhh, you ever been to President Trump’s merch page?

Quick question, W T F?