Happy Thursday!
See you tomorrow.
WNBA start pauses career to help overturn a conviction - it worked
This is just fucking amazing! Here’s the short of it.
About Maya Moore…
WNBA star Maya Moore put her basketball career on hold in part to help Irons overturn his conviction. The four-time champion and former Rookie of the Year and MVP stunned the basketball world when she sat out the 2019 season. Moore had met Irons while doing prison ministry in 2007 and formed a friendship with him.
About Jonathon Irons…
Irons, then 16, was convicted of breaking into the house of Stanley Stotler, then 38, and shooting him. Stotler picked out two Black men in a lineup weeks after he had been shot, one of them Irons, and later identified him in court. But per Streeter, "There was no corroborating witness to the crime, nor were any fingerprints, DNA or blood evidence implicating Irons presented in court."
Prosecutors also claimed Irons had confessed to the crime to a police officer during questioning, though Irons denied that story. As Streeter reported, "The officer who interrogated him did so alone and did not make a video or audio recording of the conversation. Asked for his interview notes, the officer said he had thrown them away."
Irons, 40, served 22 years of the 50-year sentence.
The case has been overturned, and he is now free.
We need more Maya Moore’s in the world.
Go buy a Maya Moore jersey
Walmart yanks ‘All Lives Matter’ merchandise from its website
Investors Ask Nike, FedEx and PepsiCo to End Relationships With the Washington Redskins
What do you got, over or under, 1 month the “Redskins” will be rebranded? I’m taking the under.
On Friday, three separate letters signed by 87 investment firms and shareholders worth a collective $620 billion asked Nike, FedEx and PepsiCo to terminate their business relationships with the NFL’s Washington Redskinsunless the team agrees to change its controversial name.
This “tiny house” will make you reconsider your thoughts on “tiny houses”
Or you could buy this Villa in the south of France
Which James Bond himself, Sean Connery, used to own. And it’s only $33M!