A daily email full of 🧠 #BrainFood

Hello! My name is Shelby Erickson(he/him, @shelbyerickson) and I’ve been reading the internet and sharing whatever I thought I was cool in this newsletter since 2016.

This email started as a way to keep my busy professional friends “in the know.” I try to share content that you wouldn’t normally see in your daily streams. A delicious selection of business, tech, and culture morsels for a healthier brain.

Subscribe, you’ll dig it!

Subscribe to #BrainFood - your daily-ish dose of cool shit.

#BrainFood (formerly #CoolShit) is a daily newsletter personally curated by Shelby Erickson (@shelbyerickson 👋🏻), providing a handpicked selection of fascinating articles from the business, creativity, and technology worlds.


I'm building Boosta, a technology that allows everyone to train 1-to-1.