#CoolShit 03.04.20
A principal that can dance better than you and I, the genius of Moses Sumney, and 8+ hours of a Bernie Sanders lo-fi beat.
Happy Wednesday my people!
Let’s play a game! I bet you are 1 of 3 places while your reading this RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND:
In bed
On the toilet
At your desk
Which one is it? Go on, tell me, don’t be shy!
See you tomorrow at one of the 3 previously mentioned locations 😬
This series of aerial photographs of the ocean.

Photographing the jewel-toned waters jutting up against beaches and the salt-speckled lagoons, Tobias Hägg frames some of Earth’s most striking landscapes.
Germany hits record 61% renewable energy for month of February

Germany’s fleet of wind turbines generated a record 20.80TWh, or 45.8%, of the country’s electricity
In the future, we’ll have figured out how to take advantage of every infinitely available natural resource (sun, water, wind) that Mother Earth so kindly gives to us

Macro/Micro Influencer Approach
It’s about “identifying folks who are true fans of their teams and then creating opportunities for them to create content in each of their markets, whether that be with players or with their fan bases,”
Diversified Content Strategy
“We’ve added what we call ‘live content correspondence.’ They are out there creating social-first content that we can then use to proliferate across our social handles. It’s given us much more diversity in terms of what our content looks like on social platforms,”
Delivering Content in Real-Time
the NFL’s social strategy entails feeding players with real-time content that they can post as soon as a game ends. “They have a reservoir of content that they can then choose from to post on their handles,” Trombetta says. “It could be still images, but also highlight videos that we’ve created for them with cleared music. We know that that content will perform well for those players. And it’s not just the top players, it’s everyone
Moses Sumney’s World of Possibilities

What makes Sumney so enigmatic is the way his work calls to mind an observation by the psychologist Carroll Pratt: that “music sounds the way emotions feel.”
His music is sounds like nothing else out there.
And this is one of my favorites of his
I want to be like this principal when I grow up

This dude is KILLING it! Having the damn time of his life.
Someone turned an 8 hour Bernie speech into a lo-fi beat
It’s actually pretty entrancing. Listen to it for 1 minute and you’ll know what I mean.