#CoolShit 03.25.20
Good Wednesday!
This poster, (which is true if this thing lasts another 3 months, or another 3 years)

That is all.
See you tomorrow!
I needed this tweet.
The Story Behind the Greatest Quarantine Party of 2020

My family clicked into this “party” on Saturday night, and danced until we were sweaty. Even though it was just my wife and 2 kids dancing our asses off, for a moment there, it felt like we were partying with the world. Little wins count.
These “paint by sticker” books

Will be ordering these today.
Marketing in the Age of Coronavirus: The Dos and (Many) Don’ts

“When people and companies start capitalizing on an opportunity like this, for the at-home shopper, it reeks of opportunism and strikes the wrong tone,”
“It is OK for many companies to just be quiet right now and emphasize communication with employees, and individual, directly affected customers rather than mass outreach,”
social selling is a better idea than push marketing for the time being, and getting creative on social media is likely the best way for brands to stay engaged with their communities and potentially generate sales.
Here’s Marc Benioff’s “8 Steps To Address This Crisis”

Tips For Homeschooling During Coronavirus

I, for one, will consume every single piece of content that helps us manage the kids at home.
Know your kid.
This is a good time for passion projects.
Free online resources are amazing but just the beginning.
Set up designated space and time for learning.
Be forgiving of yourself and your kid.
This “Icon” clock

Love the simplicity & clarity of this design.
People are helping each other fight coronavirus, one Google spreadsheet at a time

“It’s a beautiful flowering of mutual aid,” said Cindy Milstein, a Michigan-based organizer and author who compiled the mega-list. “It’s a way to organize, but it’s also a way for people to remember the ability of humans to be kind and empathetic and dignified. People are desperate to help each other right now.”
I shared a spreadsheet yesterday that is an INCREDIBLE RESOURCE if you’re looking for ways to keep your kid productive. This article takes it to the next level. They got a spreadsheet for damn near EVERYTHING.
eSports is the (immediate) future.

Really been digging this mysterious sounding French band.
The marathon continues…