#CoolShit 04.17.20
Happy Friday!
If you don’t want to see some behind-the-scene #CoolShit data, then go ahead and skip on down to the list of cool things to do, read, watch, buy, & play for this weekend.
Okay, you’re still here, here we go…
So as this email continues to grow & evolve, I thought it be cool to be super transparent and take you along for the ride as well.

Since I’ve resurrected this email we’ve been adding new subscribers daily. For context, I’ve added more readers in the past 2 months that I had added in the previous 5 years. This is mainly due to a combination of me being motivated to grow the audience beyond just clients (that I either worked with or wanted to work with), as well as the tools that were available (Mailchimp - what I used to use - powerful email creation tools but shitty for organic growth vs Substack - what I use now - a less powerful email creator but WAY more tools that help me grow organically.). All that PLUS the fact that there’s an unprecedented global pandemic and folks are looking for ways to be distracted & entertained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lastly, this week we had an avg open rate (the amount of emails I send, vs emails that get read) of 83.25%. One thing I do that is definitely agains the norm - I unsubscribe folks that stop reading the email. I’d rather send the email to 100 people that read it regularly, than 10,000 people who don’t care.
And that is all! If there’s ever any questions you have for me in regards to this email, ask away! This email is and always will be a hobby for me and I’m happy to be as transparent as possible with you 😬
Enjoy the weekend, see you Monday!
👀 Things to watch
Input’s “definitive guide to all the free TV and movies you can watch right now”
Elmo’s dad’s message for stressed out parents
DAMN DAMN can I relate to this.
LA Originals on Netflix (#CoolShit 04.13.20)
In short, the documentary tells the story of the rise of Mr. Cartoon & Estevan Oriol. SPOILER ALERT: This shit is SO L.A. and I F’ING LOVE IT!
This “different perspective on the environment” (#CoolShit 04.14.20)
This 3 minute long video really is a MUST WATCH
Insecure, Season 4 Episode 1 (#CoolShit 04.15.20)
Feels like the perfect time to have some Issa injected into our lives.
Sling is offering their streaming TV service for free from 5PM-12AM daily. (#CoolShit 04.15.20)
👂Things to listen to
‘Radio Free’ by Aquarium Drunkard (#CoolShit 04.14.20)
I’ve had Aquarium Drunkard on my radar for many many years. They have such an eclectic & opinionated taste in music and this 24/7 stream is much appreciated these days.
Warne Marsh and Lee Konitz perform “Subconscious-Lee” "The Subject is Jazz", 1958 (#CoolShit 04.16.20)
In 1958, THIS is what they get for entertainment. Today, we get f’ing Sarah Palin dressed up as trippy bear poorly rapping “I like big butts” (Don’t you dare click on that damn link!)
🧠 Things to read
Guidelines for Opening Up America Again
WARNING: This isn’t a funny or ironic post, it’s a direct link to the White House’s phased approach to open America.
How Jackie Robinson’s love of jazz helped civil rights movement (#CoolShit 04.16.20)
Now I find lots of cool shit, but a private jazz concert, in Jackie Robinsons backyard, to raise money to help Martin Luther King Jr fight for civil rights - this is easily in the top 5 coolest things I’ve EVER come across.
“Thoughts on the shape of the next normal” (#CoolShit 04.16.20)
I thought this article did a good job putting into words what the world could look like when this is over.
For Consumers, Brands’ Care for Staff Amid Pandemic as Important as Stocked Items (#CoolShit 04.16.20)
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☕️ “Buy me a coffee”, Fancy Coffee = #CoolShit fuel. (Or Venmo me a hot ☕️)
💵 Things to buy
🖍 Things for your kids
🎮 Things to play
Have a “Houseparty” with your friends & family
So we did this quite a bit and… IT’S A LOT OF FUN! It’s such a refreshing take on video chatting with someone.
After you install it, click here to add me so I can beat you in trivia!
And the app is EXPLODING Houseparty Saw 50 Million Sign-Ups This Past Month
Play Uncharted & Journey on the PS4 for free (#CoolShit 04.15.20)
✍🏻 Things to do
This virtual tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Hollyhock House” (#CoolShit 04.14.20)
My generated DJ name, DJ Shelbo Slim - I can dig it.
🤯 A thing that will break your brain

The marathon continues…