#CoolShit 06.05.20
“What a fucking week.” - kinda been the motto for 2020.
How are you feeling? Me? I’m tired. Tired of seeing videos of police attacking protestors. Tired of hearing people yell & scream at protestors. Tired of seeing blood. Tired of seeing destruction. Tired of seeing bodies.
It’s been a tough week.
One. Week.
Unfortunately for our black friends & family, they’ve been struggling for a LOT longer than one fucking week. It’s a struggle every single day of their life. Of their parents life. Of their grandparents life. Of their great grandparents life.
Yes it’s been a tough week, but… if you’re fighting on the side of anti-racism, this is just the beginning of a LONG ROAD.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to have many many more tough weeks if it means destroying systemic racism. You ready?
Here’s some relevant stuff to watch, listen to, and read this weekend.
See you Monday!
#BlackLivesMatter Resources
This document full of Anti-Racism resources for white people.
This Tool Lets You Email All of Your City's Elected Officials With One Click
This master list of resources on how to dismantle systemic racism.
Black-Owned Restaurant Lists Circulating the Internet, Organized by City
How to Talk to Relatives Who Care More About Looting Than Black Lives
What to say when you don’t know what to say
👀 Things to watch
Killer Mikes Impassioned Speech
Explained: The Racial Wealth Gap (YouTube & Netflix)
Time: The Kalief Browder Story (Netflix)
Who Killed Malcolm X (Netflix)
This clear & direct message from NFL players to the NFL
WATCH LIVE: ‘Race Matters: America in Crisis,’ a PBS NewsHour Special (06.05.20 6:00 PM PT)
The Law Police Used To Discriminate Against Musicians Of Color
This thread of police brutality against protestors
👂Things to listen to
Playlist, Jazz & Civil Rights (Apple Music, Spotify)
Playlist, When Love Is In Need Of Love (Apple Music, Spotify)
Playlist, #TheShowMustBePaused (Apple Music)
Playlist, Black Lives Matter (Spotify)